What Type of Website Fits Your Needs?

Find Out Which Type of Website You Need to Succeed

Just as there are many types of apples, there are also many types of websites. Websites have evolved since their first launch in 1991 as many different technologies, based on people’s changing needs, came about with time. Now, there are many different types of websites that help both individuals and businesses thrive in specific ways. Discover the different types of websites below and find out which one is best for you and your needs.


Personal websites can range in different capacities but often end up being a hub for a portfolio or as a way to share personal information. Whether the person’s website gives details for the time and place of an upcoming event or hosts a resume for someone looking for employment, personal websites are usually created for a single event or purpose. Because personal websites are built for a single event, they are usually not optimized for search in any way, and they really don’t need to be. A personal website can be spotted by its URL as it usually involves a personal name or event such as ashleyandchriswedding.com.


A blog website is created for the sole purpose of housing a blog. The website managers regularly add content to this type of website in a blog format as a way to distribute information to their audience, usually on a set schedule. A blog website usually has easily shareable content and social media buttons for users as a way to connect with a target audience. Blog websites usually build organic SEO over time due to the nature of the content.


A business website is a tool that companies use to further their marketing efforts and generate sale leads. The goal of a business website is to be an extension of a company and provide information that sells services or products in a way that gets a user to take action. Business websites are branded toward the company and incorporate organic SEO and paid search tactics to get found online. Most companies have business websites as they are essential in generating sales in today’s online world.


This type of website is used for charity work or fundraising. Fundraising websites have certain aspects built in such as ways to donate or specific company information for tax credit purposes. Fundraising websites are normally geared toward a specific cause or organization and provide a lot of detailed information. Often times, they are not optimized for search or are only optimized specifically for the name of the charity or fundraiser. These types of websites are popular for non-profit organizations.


E-commerce websites are popular for companies that want to sell their products globally or nationwide. This type of website has the most functionality built in as it must contain products, information, sorting capabilities, payment processing systems, shipment processes, and more. E-commerce websites are robust in SEO and typically compete heavily on specific words in an attempt to reach their audience.

No matter what kind of website you need, the experts at Arden Web Design can help build you a functional and well-designed website. From business websites to blogging websites and even blog creation, we can help you get the perfect website for your needs.

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